2024 Legacy Award: Ahern Gross Plumbing

Please join us in congratulating the 2024 Legacy Award recipient, Ahern Gross Plumbing!

The hourglass, with its elegant and timeless design, has always held a profound symbolism of life. It serves as a constant reminder of the finite nature of our existence and the unstoppable march of time. The upper bulb, filled with grains of sand, represents the moments of life you have already lived, while the lower bulb, still empty, signifies the unknown future that lies ahead. It’s a stark reminder that your time on this Earth is limited, and it prompts you to contemplate how you approach life.

If you woke up this morning and knew exactly how many grains of sand you had left in your life, how would things be different?

In the past, you most likely found yourself caught up in the whirlwind of daily routines and trivial concerns, forgetting to appreciate the precious moments that make life beautiful. However, as you observe the sands of time slipping through the narrow passage, you come to realize the importance of cherishing each moment. Of making a difference in the world we live in as husband and wife, parent, grandparent, business owner, friend, community supporter and educator to name a few. An hourglass can encourage us to make the most of the time we have on earth, to pursue our passions, nurture our relationships, love and support others unconditionally and savor the simple pleasures of life. This hourglass of time should prompt all of us to take risks, to step out of our comfort zone, and to live with purpose. Ahern Gross Plumbing does just that; they take risks, step out of their comfort zone, live with purpose, and change the world we live in.

Like the first grains of sand slipping through the narrow neck of an hourglass, time relentlessly marches forward. Yet, amidst this ceaseless passage, there are moments that stand out, etched into the annals of history. For Tom Gross, one such moment was realizing that 2024 marked the 25th anniversary of the Gross family and Ahern Gross Plumbing’s unwavering commitment to the Fond du Lac Area Foundation.

This milestone marked a quarter century of continuous giving, never missing a year, a testament to their enduring dedication to philanthropy. It was a journey that began many years ago with Tom’s father, Bob Gross, who established a fund at the Foundation. This act ignited a spark within Tom and Chris, shaping their understanding of giving back and inspiring a culture of philanthropy, providing leadership in the community and within their company. Chris’s hourglass has sand in it comprised of 36 years as a dedicated educator and coach making an indelible mark on the North Fond du Lac School district.

The hourglass symbolizes not just the time that has passed but also the time that is yet to come. It reminds us that the future is not fixed, and we have the power to shape it. This realization should inspire us to approach life with greater intention, to set meaningful goals, and to take steps towards achieving them. It’s a daily prompt to be more mindful, compassionate, and to leave a positive impact on the world. The hourglass serves as a profound teacher, urging us to live each day as if it were our last, for in its simple design lies a powerful reminder that life is a precious, fleeting gift. So why don’t we go out and make a difference with the grains of sand still left in our life.

What advice would Tom give to others who are considering making their first donation? “Try it. You will like it. It opens your whole world up when you give.”

So, if the grains of sand represent the precious moments of our lives, look what happens when we take a handful of these grains and place them into another hourglass. We are not merely transferring time; we are initiating a chain reaction of generosity. The sand we give becomes a catalyst for change, multiplying its impact as it flows through the recipient’s life. This act of sharing becomes a blessing that extends far beyond the initial gesture.

Similarly, when we invest in people and organizations within our community, we are sowing seeds of hope and possibility. Our contributions become a catalyst for growth, empowering individuals and strengthening institutions while we leave a legacy. Just as the grains of sand in an hourglass cascade downward, our investments ripple outward, creating a positive impact that benefits not only the immediate recipients but also the entire community. All this from an hourglass.